
Celebrate Superb Owl Sunday in Iowa (no, it’s not a typo!)

Celebrate Superb Owl Sunday in Iowa (no, it’s not a typo!)

Photo courtesy of Canva

By Marc Roberts

February 3, 2025

The middle of February brings various holidays and events — by this point, we’ve heard the predictions of Punxsutawney Phil and are preparing for spring, even as we wonder who our Valentine will be. Many Iowans have been following major-league football playoffs, and are counting the days until that second Sunday in February when all of America will be united. Well, except for those who aren’t as interested in football as they are in a magnificent bird of prey.

Wait a minute, a magnificent bird of prey?

Yes, because the second Sunday in February means it’s time for the Superb Owl!

What’s Superb Owl all about?

For those who haven’t “heard about the bird,” the Superb Owl is a new Superbowl Sunday trend. It started with a common internet typo in the late aughts and early 2010s, and continued with jokes, memes, and more, eventually spreading across the country and even around the world, as breweries from the Netherlands to New Zealand have produced “Superb Owl” beers.

Some Superb Owl events can be enjoyed wherever you are — like checking out r/SuperbOwl’s online festivities with the best owl pictures the internet can offer. However, there are also local Superb Owl events all over the country — including ways to get in on the fun here in Iowa!

Here are a few ways to enjoy Superb Owl Sunday in the Hawkeye State:

Meet Iowa’s Own Superb Owls

When most people hear “raptors,” they think of Jurassic Park — but Iowans know better!

Birds of prey, known as raptors, are some of the most famous and celebrated members of Iowa’s wildlife family (Go Hawkeyes!). This Superb Owl Sunday, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to meet the raptors of Iowa — including some superb owls indeed.

There are various owls that live in Iowa, including the famous snowy owl and the rare short-eared owl. If you’re looking to get outdoors, a birding trip (or “owling,” we suppose) can be a great way to try and see them in their natural habitat.

Alternatively, you can check out the state’s Raptor Resource Project, a registered nonprofit organization that provides learning opportunities about the state’s birds of prey, including owls, falcons, hawks, and eagles.

Raise a Toast to Iowa’s Birds of Prey

While there may be other (ahem) events on Superb Owl weekend that will have people raising their glasses, Iowans celebrating the Superb Owl will have plenty of opportunity to get in on the fun — in proper owl fashion, of course.

In Ames, the Blue Owl Bar offers drinks, euchre tournaments, and more. Meanwhile, Iowans in Panora and Ottumwa both have the opportunity to pop down for a drink and bite at local spots — both called Owl’s Nest! Isn’t that a hoot?

This article first appeared on Good Info News Wire and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.Celebrate Superb Owl Sunday in Iowa (no, it’s not a typo!)Celebrate Superb Owl Sunday in Iowa (no, it’s not a typo!)

  • Marc Roberts

    I am a crimefighter operating in Gotham City, where I serve as its protector, using the symbol of a bat to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. Unlike other superheroes, I am often depicted to lack any "superpowers", instead using lifelong training and equipment to fight crime.

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