
What are Iowa’s new academic standards?

What are Iowa’s new academic standards?


By Good Info News Wire

July 15, 2024

The Iowa State Board of Education made revisions to Iowa’s Academic Standards. Here’s how you can find out more.

The Iowa State Board of Education has officially approved the new Iowa Academic Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in Science, History/Social Studies, and Technical Subjects. A series of virtual learning sessions to assist schools with implementation are planned to take place throughout July and August. School administrators and educators are encouraged to sign up for these sessions.

The learning sessions, which will take place on several dates in July, will provide an overview of the newly adopted standards. A session is also planned to focus on Foundation Skills. School representatives can pick a suitable date to participate in these sessions. Find dates and times for those sessions here.

There will also be additional two-hour virtual sessions in August to gain a deeper understanding of the Shifts in ELA/Literacy and Depth of Knowledge. Participants have the option of attending either one or both of these sessions.

A diverse team consisting of elementary and secondary educators, parents, content experts, consultants, administrators, representatives from higher education, business/industry, and community partners have all contributed towards the revisions of the academic standards.

The revised Iowa Academic Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects is available on the Iowa Department of Education’s website.

For any queries regarding the new standards, Leigh Bellville, April Gosselink-Lemke, or Wanda Steuri can be contacted.

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This article first appeared on Good Info News Wire and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.What are Iowa’s new academic standards?What are Iowa’s new academic standards?

This story was generated in part by AI and edited by Courier Newsroom staff.

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